Craic Comedy Industry Events

Innovative Technology | Education & Training | Health & Wellness

Healing Humour: Bridging Comedy and Mental Health with Haven + Craic (Workshop)

Healing Humour: Bridging Comedy and Mental Health with Haven + Craic (Workshop)

Mental health and comedy share a complex and interconnected relationship. Healing Humour: Bridging Comedy and Mental Health with The Haven + Craic is an exclusive workshop which will look at the powerful intersection of comedy, mental health, and creativity. In collaboration between Craic and The Haven+London, there are 20 limited positions as we actively seeking to engage with a diverse cross section of comedy industry professionals who can share their insights and experiences.

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Punchlines to Progress: Creating Change in the Comedy Industry with Craic (Event)

Punchlines to Progress: Creating Change in the Comedy Industry with Craic (Event)

Punchlines to Progress: Creating Change in the Comedy Industry will showcase Craic’s platform, with this event mainly focusing on how our technology could offer a space to mitigate exploitation in the industry, including providing education, training and a code of conduct around issues, in particular sex and other forms of assault. Our primary goal of this event is to bring individuals and businesses together, which is often difficult for the comedy industry, as it’s largely composed of individuals who work isolated in unregulated workplaces and environments.

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